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With the year coming to a close, the Human Rights Foundation (HRF) is looking back on the remarkable media coverage we have received in 2022.

In the last 12 months, the Human Rights Foundation has received over 130 billion global impressions, 23,000 mentions by media outlets, and coverage in 133 countries. Among others, The National Review and Tablet Magazine published in-depth features of the 2022 Oslo Freedom Forum (OFF); The Washington Post, Guardian, and TIME profiled several 2022l OFF speakers and a Havel Prize Laureate; HRF CEO Thor Halvorssen and President Céline Boustani stressed the need for a “General Assembly for Dissidents” in The Daily News; and The Wall Street Journal gave voice to activist and HRF international council member Masih Alinejad, a target of the Iranian regime.

In our 2022 Media Highlights booklet, you’ll find more noteworthy articles written about or authored by HRF that have inspired change and enlightened the international community. Authoritarian regimes continue to repress, censor, and silence dissent, which is why HRF calls out tyrants through informative op-eds and press-worthy campaigns.