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Learn more and register to attend here. 了解更多及登記參加請點此。 North Korea’s highest-ranking defector. Hong Kong’s renowned pro-democracy pop star. Information warfare expert. Leading Kenyan transgender activist. Thai education reformer. Pulitzer Prize-winning Kachin...

Learn more and register to attend here.


North Korea’s highest-ranking defector. Hong Kong’s renowned pro-democracy pop star. Information warfare expert. Leading Kenyan transgender activist. Thai education reformer. Pulitzer Prize-winning Kachin journalist from Burma. And North Korean defector and black market economy expert. Join Thae Yong-HoDenise HoMolly McKewAudrey Mbugua, ​Netiwit ChotiphatphaisalEsther Htusan, Yeonmi Park, and many more remarkable speakers on Friday, September 13 at the 2019 Oslo Freedom Forum in Taiwan.

最高級別的脫北者,香港知名民主社運歌手,資訊戰爭專家,肯亞變性人權益社運者,泰國教育改革者,及獲普立茲獎的緬甸克欽族記者 — 9月13日,歡迎大家來與太永浩何韻詩莫莉 · 馬克烏奧德莉 · 麼布瓜秦聯豐艾斯特 · 突珊朴妍美及更多卓越的講者一齊參與2019年奧斯陸自由論壇 — 台灣

With protests in Hong Kong, a crucial election coming up in Taiwan, and authoritarianism on the advance in Asia, everywhere from China to Thailand to Vietnam, the time is now to unite and stand up for human rights and democracy in the region. The Human Rights Foundation is bringing the Oslo Freedom Forum experience to Taiwan for the second year in a row. This one-day event will include riveting talks, world-class networking, interactive exhibits, music, art, comedy, and conversations between courageous activists and leaders from business, philanthropy, technology, and media.


Watch the recap from last year’s Oslo Freedom Forum in Taiwan here:
觀看概括去年奧斯陸自由論壇 — 台灣的短片:

And read about it in The New York Times by clicking below:


To learn more and register to attend, click here. For programming and speaker updates, make sure to follow us on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram.
