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(USA Today)– Polls opened on Monday in Egypt’s presidential election with the outcome — a second term for President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi — a foregone conclusion. A general-turned-president, el-Sissi is challenged...

(USA Today)– Polls opened on Monday in Egypt’s presidential election with the outcome — a second term for President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi — a foregone conclusion.

A general-turned-president, el-Sissi is challenged by Moussa Mustafa Moussa, a little known politician who joined the race in the last minute to spare the government the embarrassment of a one-candidate election.

Moussa has made no effort to challenge el-Sissi, who never mentioned his challenger once in public.

Authorities hope enough people — there are nearly 60 million eligible voters — will vote in the three-day balloting to give the election legitimacy.

Read the full article here.