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2019 Oslo Freedom Forum in Taiwan

The experience of the Oslo Freedom Forum, our flagship event that takes place each year in Norway, is coming to Asia on September 13, 2019. Join us for riveting talks...

The experience of the Oslo Freedom Forum, our flagship event that takes place each year in Norway, is coming to Asia on September 13, 2019. Join us for riveting talks from international activists, an Interactive Expo featuring companies working at the intersection of business and human rights, and networking over coffee breaks, and social lunches.

We are looking forward to our 2nd Oslo Freedom Forum in Taiwan this year. We are excited to further connect with Taiwan’s vibrant civil society as we continue our mission to promote human rights and democracy globally.

Confirmed speakers for 2019 include:

  • Denise Ho, Hong Kong singer and pro-democracy and LGBTQI activist
  • Audrey Mbugua, Kenyan transgender activist
  • Thae Yong-Ho, Former North Korean diplomat
  • Esther Htusan, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist from Burma
  • Molly McKew, writer specializing in information warfare and recipient of the Georgian Order of Honor
  • Netiwit Chotiphatphaisal, education reform activist and author in Thailand
  • Yeonmi Park, North Korean defector and human rights activist
  • And many more to be announced!!

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions regarding registration by emailing

We hope to see you in Taiwan soon!

Join us on social media!

Facebook: @OsloFreedomForum

Twitter: @OsloFF

Instagram: @OsloFF

#OsloFF | #OFFinTaiwan

Speakers and programming will be announced closer to the date of the event.