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CFF at UFM is a joint initiative between HRF and Universidad Francisco Marroquín, and the first Freedom Forum to take place in Latin America. The one-day event will feature five...

CFF at UFM is a joint initiative between HRF and Universidad Francisco Marroquín, and the first Freedom Forum to take place in Latin America. The one-day event will feature five talks, question and answer sessions with the audience, and breakout discussions. Speakers include Haitian anti-slavery advocate Jean-Robert Cadet, Chinese lawyer Chen Guangcheng, Venezuelan journalist Marcel Granier, Equatoguinean anti-corruption campaigner Tutu Alicante, and Cuban graffiti artist and dissident Danilo “El Sexto” Maldonado.

Cadet, founder of the Jean R. Cadet Restavek Organization, will share his personal story growing up in Haiti as a child forced into domestic servitude; Chen, author of The Barefoot Lawyer, will address the Chinese dictatorship’s oppression of dissidents; Marcel Granier will discuss Venezuela’s crackdown on media; Tutu Alicante will talk about his work with EG Justice, the world’s only NGO focusing on freedom in Equatorial Guinea; and Danilo “El Sexto” Maldonado will share the dangers faced by artists and dissidents in Cuba who dare to speak out against the regime.

Registration begins at 8 a.m. CST, with talks beginning at 9 a.m. CST. 760 students are registered to attend and the event is at capacity. Join the conversation on Facebook and stay-up-date on Twitter by following @HRF and using #CFFUFM16.

CFF seeks to bring the experience of HRF’s annual human rights summit, the Oslo Freedom Forum (OFF), to a college and university audience. At OFF, HRF unites dissidents, business leaders, media, technologists, artists, philanthropists, and policymakers to focus on making the world a more peaceful, prosperous, and free place. Previous CFF events have been held at Tufts University, the University of Colorado at Boulder, Yale University, and Stanford University.

HRF is a nonpartisan nonprofit organization that promotes and protects human rights globally, with a focus on closed societies

If you have any questions, please email Jamie Hancock at