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 Dr. Yang Jianli is a Chinese human rights activist and survivor of the 1989 Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests. In his talk at the Human Rights Foundation’s COVIDCon, Dr. Yang...

Dr. Yang Jianli is a Chinese human rights activist and survivor of the 1989 Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests. In his talk at the Human Rights Foundation’s COVIDCon, Dr. Yang discussed how Xi Jinping’s regime silenced whistleblowers and dissidents in the early days of the coronavirus outbreak in China. The information he shared shows a stark contrast to what is portrayed by Chinese state media and begs the question: was China’s role that of savior or culprit?

COVIDCon, a virtual conference focused on how tyranny sparked and exploits the COVID-19 pandemic, is part of the Oslo Freedom Forum event series presented by the Human Rights Foundation (HRF).